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Vadim Kaloshin教授学术报告
Release time:2023-05-01 Hits:
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报告(一)题目:Alocal version of a 100 year old Birkhoff Conjecture

报 告 人:Vadim Kaloshin教授(美国马里兰大学)


报告(一)形式:Zoom会议(ID:635 8116 9988, Passcode: 669205)

报告(一)摘要:The classical Birkhoff conjecture claims that the boundary of a strictly convex integrable billiard table is necessarily an ellipse (or a circle as a special case). In this article we show that a version of this conjecture is true for tables bounded by small perturbations of ellipses of small eccentricity.

报告(二)题目:Can you hear the shape of a drum?

报 告 人:Vadim Kaloshin教授(美国马里兰大学)


报告(二)形式:Zoom会议(ID:635 8116 9988, Passcode: 669205)

报告(二)摘要:We show that any sufficiently (finitely) smooth Z2-symmetric strictly convex domain sufficiently close to a circle is dynamically spectrally rigid; i.e., all deformations among domains in the same class that preserve the length of all periodic orbits of the associated billiard flow must necessarily be isometric deformations. This gives a partial answer to a question of P. Sarnak.

个人简历:Vadim Kaloshin,美国马里兰大学-帕克分校数学系Brin首席教授、奥地利科技学院讲席教授,欧洲科学院院士,曾获得美国科学院院士提名、西蒙斯奖等荣誉,现担任Adv. Math., Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems等杂志编委,主要从事动力系统领域的研究,在国际上最顶尖的四大综合性数学期刊Acta Math., Ann. of Math., J. Amer. Math. Soc., Invent. Math.上公开发表高质量学术论文8篇,在Duke Math. J., Geom. Funct. Anal., J. Eur. Math. Soc (JEMS), Comm. Pure Appl. Math., Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.等国际权威期刊上公开发表高水平学术论文65篇。