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Best kernel approximation in the Bergman space
Release time:2023-05-08 Hits:
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报告题目: Best kernel approximation in the Bergman space

报告时间:2023.5.11下午3:00 – 5:00


报告人:朱克和教授(State University of New York at Albany)


For a reproducing kernel Hilbert space $H$ of analytic functions on the unit disk, the best kernel approximation problem is the following: given any positive integer $n$ and any function $f$ in $H$ find the best norm approximation of $f$ by a linear combination of no more than $n$ kernel functions $K(z, z_k)$, $1\le k\le n$. I will talk about the solution of the best norm approximation for the Bergman space.

报告人简介:朱克和(Kehe Zhu),美国华裔数学家,于1982年1月在国防科技大学毕业后留学美国,1986年获得博士学位。目前担任美国纽约洲立大学(State University of New York)数学系教授,出版8部高水平著作,其中3部是国际数学专业研究生的标准教材(GTM199,GTM226,GTM263),在Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., Amer. J.Math.,J. Funct. Anal.,Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.等刊物发表110多篇高水平学术论文。出任多个SCI杂志主编、副主编,是国际分析数学领域杰出的数学家。