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Introduction to Bergman Spaces



报告题目: Introduction to Bergman Spaces


2023.5.8上午9:00 – 11:00

2023.5.9上午9:00 – 11:00

2023.5.10上午9:00 – 11:00


报告人:朱克和教授(State University of New York at Albany)


I will give a three-lecture introduction to the theory of Bergman spaces.

The first lecture focuses on basic notions, tools, and methods in the theory of Bergman spaces. Particular concepts include the Bergman kernel, the Bergman projection, and the Bergman metric.

The second lecture is about the function theory of Bergman spaces. Topics include zero sets, interpolation and sampling, inner-outer factorization, and cyclic vectors.

The third lecture concerns operator theory on the Bergman space, including Toeplitz operators, Hankel operators, composition operators, and the invariant subspace problem.

The prerequisites for the lectures are undergraduate/graduate courses in real analysis, complex analysis, and functional analysis. A little bit of general topology will be helpful.

报告人简介:朱克和(Kehe Zhu),美国华裔数学家,于1982年1月在国防科技大学毕业后留学美国,1986年获得博士学位。目前担任美国纽约洲立大学(State University of New York)数学系教授,出版10部高水平著作,其中3部是国际数学专业研究生的标准教材(GTM199,GTM226,GTM263),在Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., Amer. J.Math.,J. Funct. Anal.,Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.等刊物发表110多篇高水平学术论文。出任多个SCI杂志主编、副主编,是国际分析数学领域杰出的数学家。


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